Patient Feedback Initiatives

In response to feedback given to us by patients through our survey, our Patient Advisory Committee and directly to our staff, here are some changes we have made:

Business cards

The design of our business cards was changed after patients suggested larger fonts.

A business card for Thamesview Family Health Team showcasing larger fonts

Survey redesign

Our new Patient Satisfaction Survey was created in consultation with our Patient Advisory Committee. The new survey allows opportunity to share ideas and generate constructive feedback, rather than simply checking boxes.

A computer screen showcasing an online survey

Programming Poster

Posters outlining the programs that the Thamesview Family Health Team offers were suggested by patients and have been hung at all of our locations.

A wall of posters showcasing programs and services offered by Thamesview Family Health Team


Listings of all our doctors have been placed at entrances of each of our locations to guide patients in the right direction.

A directory of the doctors at a clinic

Program fold-outs

Information about our programming has been put onto compact, card-sized, fold-out pamphlets rather than large flyers.  This makes the information discreet and manageable, because it is all in one place rather than being scattered across several sheets of paper.

 A picture of a folding card